Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Project Feedback - Session 1

Please post a reflection on your experience during Session 1.
You may reflect on the webinars (themes and web 2.0 tools), social learning network (Edmodo) and virtual classroom (Blackboard Collaborate). Also, how did you like having guest experts for the virtual meetings? What did you learn from the synchronous and asynchronous group discussions? What was your experience like with the creative projects? How was the wiki page (http://psmlaonlinepd.wikispaces.com) useful to you?
If you could point out "ONE" big discovery or highlight during this session that was worth your time, what would it be?
What would you tell the project leader on how she could improve the virtual experience for future sessions?
Thanks a lot for your feedback!

Fotos de Asturias

Here's my attempt to see if I can send photos to Silvina's photo blog...

Saturday, August 20, 2011